Help is at hand for allergy sufferers, acupuncture and herbs can help to regulate the immune system and control symptoms.
Chinese Medicine techniques strengthen and balance your immune system so, over time, the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine and cupping can greatly reduce allergic reactions. Today, I’m going to focus on acupuncture. There are acupuncture points around the sinuses and elsewhere on the body that may provide almost immediate relief as well as offering cumulative benefits. Acupuncture opens the sinuses, relieves congestion, helps reduce inflammation and resolves many digestive complaints such as bloating, pain and gas. Some common acupoints used to treat allergies include Yinxiang/Large Intestine 20 which is located close to the nostrils, Hegu/Large Intestine 4 (pictured above), a well known point, is found on the hand between the thumb and index finger and Zusanli/Stomach 36 is just below the knee on the lateral side of the shin bone.