Bruise/Trauma ointment
Zi Cao Balm
Bruise/Trauma Ointment
Ingredients Hong Hua, Dan Shen, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Jiang Huang, Hypericum, Comfrey, Camphor, Calendula, Almond Oil, Peppermint EO, Beeswax
This formula is based on a traditional formula called Hong Hua Gao which is used to promote blood circulation, remove stagnation of blood in channels, relieve pain and swelling from trauma. According to Chinese tradition, traumatic pain is always the result of a blockage in the free flow of Qi and Blood. This is a very popular product and is used and recommended by my osteopath colleagues, runners and other athletes who use it regularly. It can also be used for frost bite and pre-rupture of bed sores.
Zi Cao Balm
Ingredients Zi Cao (Arnebia), Dang Gui, Bai Zhi, Gan Cao, Sesame Oil, Beeswax.
Arnebia (redroot) is naturally anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antithrombotic and antimicrobial. It has wound healing properties as it acts on filaggrin which is our skin's defence system.
Uses: Chronic dry eczema, keratosis, genital warts, wound healing, burns, insect bites, sores/lesions.