Most of the time, Chinese congee is made with rice. It supplements the middle burner and
boosts the Qi, fortifies the spleen and harmonises the stomach. As it is cooked with so much
water, congee helps moisten the fluids of the stomach and intestines which tend to become
depleted in old age and due to disease. Ge Hong, a famous Daoist saint and doctor of Eastern
Jin Dynasty (265-420 CE) stated that, “To prolong life, it is essential to keep the stomach and
intestines clear,” and congee does just that. Because it is light and easy to digest, it does not
overburden the stomach and intestines with heavy, hard-to-digest foods.
Congee Rice Dish : A Healthy Alternative to the typical Western Breakfast!
Gou Qi Zi (Chinese Wolfberry)
Hong/Da Zao (Chinese Red Dates)
Yi Yi Ren (Jobs Tears/Chinese Barley)
Fu Ling (Poria)
Soak half the contents of the bag (approx 50g) in a litre of water for 20 minutes, then add 150g
of sticky or jasmine rice and boil for 40 minutes. This can be sweetened with a little honey,
brown sugar, malt or cinnamon. Eat one portion per day. Keep the cooked rice dish in the
fridge for no longer than one week.